Testimonials From Our Valued Patients

"Dr. Gamino and chiropractic treatments has helped me to recover from a motorcycle accident and it's aftermath. Chiropractic and homeopathic medicine has helped me to become chemical (prescriptions) free and healthier than I have been in years. It has also helped me to control my diabetes with diet and exercise."
"I was referred to Dr. Gamino by a co-worker. My neck was hurting so bad that I could not even move it from side to side or up and down and wasn’t looking forward to going through the whole weekend like that. I called and explained what was happening and she got me right in. When Dr. Gamino was done, I was able to move my neck. I kept alternating ice packs as she has told me too and was 100% better on Sunday. I was amazed at the results. I am a firm believer in Chiropractic care and have been to a few Chiropractors. Dr. Gamino by far is the best I have ever been to.
While I was in Dr. Gamino’s office for an adjustment, she was telling me some of the other things she does. One of them was ear coning. I have heard of it but never had it done. My daughter had been to her Pediatrician twice for an ear infection. I called Dr. Gamino’s office to see if she could do the coning on my daughter’s ears or if she was too young. She could and I got in that day. Dr. Gamino had examined my daughter’s ears and it appeared that she did not have an ear infection. Dr. Gamino did the ear coning and did get some wax build-up out. My daughter felt like she had new ears. We always used Q-tips – but not anymore. My daughter was taking three medications (three times a day) for seven days for her so called “ear infection”, not to mention the daily medications she was already taking for her asthma and allergies. Dr. Gamino did not advise me to take her off the prescription drugs but did tell me about the problems it could cause for her to be on them when she did not need them. I decided to wing her off the medications myself and take a chance. I am glad I did. Dr. Gamino was examining my daughter when she asked Dr. Gamino why her stomach hurt all the time. Every time we sat down to eat she would say “My stomach hurts” or “I can’t eat anymore” when she just started eating. As parents, we just ignored it with her being an eight year old child who probably doesn’t want to eat her food. Dr. Gamino was examining her liver and found that her liver was out of place and it was not functioning properly. She moved it back in its proper place and my daughter has never complained about her stomach.
On that same visit my daughter asked is there anything she could do about her asthma and allergies. Dr. Gamino was concerned because after examining her and doing some test on her, her lungs seemed to be pretty good. My daughter’s Pediatrician had diagnosed her with asthma and allergies when she was 3 years old. She had been taking many steroids and nasal sprays for 5 years. We had a nebulizer (breathing machine for treatments) so we could keep from having to go to the emergency room. Every time we had to go to the doctor, it was the exact same diagnoses every time. And they would just raise her medicines to a higher dose and have her do breathing treatments more often. When my daughter started school, I was worried. It seemed like I was always being called about her asthma. It stopped her from doing many of things. My daughter has missed 45 days of school from kindergarten – second grade because of her asthma. Dr. Gamino tested my daughter and found that she was allergic to “corn” products. We ate corn for dinner about every other day. And just about everything in our cabinets had some kind of corn products (corn syrup, corn starch, etc.).
Dr. Gamino was positively sure that her so called “asthma and allergies” was from the corn products. I wanted her off all the prescription drugs and winged her off of them myself. Our family would test it every now and then to see if it was really the corn products. The asthma always seemed to flare up when she ate candy and her Pediatrician would have every excuse in the book as to why candy triggers asthma. My daughter came home from a birthday party with a bag full of candy. She was wheezing after she ate some Laffy Taffy’s and we looked at the wrapper and guess what we found – “corn syrup”. It was the very first ingredient. This was a few months later and we were certain then that she was allergic to corn products. In October of 2002, it will be one year since my daughter has been free of taking any of her ‘asthma and allergy” medicines: Pulmicort Inhaler, Prednisone, Claritin, Nasonex, Albuterol Inhaler, Flovent Inhaler, Breathing Treatments. My daughter never wants to go back to another Pediatrician. My daughter never missed one day of school during third grade and was a straight “A” student. My daughter has so much faith and trust in Dr. Gamino that she only wants to see her and says this about her “ She knows what she is doing and talking about and she is awesome!”
Thank you Dr. Gamino, you are truly a God’s blessing to our family.
"In previous years I have hurt my back either at work or in vehicle collisions. Every single time I would be recommended to see a chiropractor and given hot packs, electrical massages, muscle relaxers and exercise to help stretch my muscles. That type of therapy would take 3-4 sessions before the soreness would go away and I didn't walk like a zombie.
I was in a vehicle collision where I suffered whiplash from being hit from behind. A friend referred me to Dr. Gamino, she had good things to say about her practice and thought to give it a shot.
Dr. Gamino's office took care of all the paperwork for me. Dr. Gamino took Xrays, gently examined my neck and head, because I was complaining of headaches, soreness in my neck and shoulder areas. After 2 visits the soreness lessened and she only put me on hot packs once and then proceeded to adjust me on my visits after that. Her chiropractic methods have been great. I was not drugged up with muscle relaxants for months on end. As a matter of fact I do not believe she recommended any. I continue to visit Dr. Gamino for adjustments and recommend her to my friends."
"Dr. Gamino introduced me to chiropractic medicine when I discovered my back was out of alignment during a riding lesson. Through manipulation and exercise I am now able to maintain a correct and comfortable posture.
Healing of the whole body is another way in which she has reached out to me,as I struggle with persistent respiratory problems that the medical profession has found no answer for. Through muscle testing, manipulation, and natural supplements, we are working together to discover the triggers and correct balance to keep me healthy. There have been some ups and downs, as I expected, but she is always there to help me through."